The Benefits of Displaying Product or Group Differences Using Biplots
Written by Dave Bryant, Vice President of Data Analytics Biplots are among the most commonly used tools for describing and displaying differences of various products or group segments on multiple attributes or product features. Biplots are one of many types of “perceptual maps” which also includes discriminant analysis, multidimensional scaling, or plots of group means on principle components or factors. Biplots are more robust than these other techniques in that they can be used with many types of data, such as means, percentages, and frequency counts. Using a healthcare example, we’ll show h...
How to Get More from Your NPS Score with Predictive Analytics
How likely is it that you would recommend [us] to a friend or colleague? It’s the question heard round the world - so to speak - thanks to the Net Promoter® Score [NPS]. Loved by management in companies large and small for its big-picture gauge, it also earns accolades for being so intuitive and easy to implement. But is it enough? After all, NPS comes from just one single question on a survey. But, when combined with predictive analytics, NPS can give you a more robust understanding of your customers and what is driving their loyalty. Defining Net Promoter® Score NPS measures customer advoca...
Attributable Effects and Graphical Modeling
At the Car Wash: How Attributable Effects and Graphical Modeling Clear Up Customer Satisfaction Sometimes a car wash is more than just a car wash. And sometimes, customer satisfaction isn’t quite as cut and dry either. Forgive the pun, but it’s true. Many companies conduct surveys to assess overall customer satisfaction and how specific attributes such as convenience, location and fast service may drive that level of satisfaction. Yet they stop there. All useful information, but what if you could take your analysis further? What if you could identify which drivers offer the most opportun...